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Zoom Murder MysterY game

Murder at Snake Eyes Casino

A blend of games, quizzing and solving clues: 

Could you be the murderer?


A murder has been committed! One of the regular poker players has been killed. Kylie was a glamorous, classy lady who had been frequenting the casino for years. She was last seen on the balcony, having a celebratory cigarette as she counted her chips - she had just won a tidy £5,000. Vivian was the last person to see her alive - she was found dead on the pavement. Someone had pushed her!

Suitable for all who are looking for something a little different for their social-distancing evenings at home. 

Ideal for 6 players or couples.


Your Zoom Murder Mystery Kit contains: 


- Top Secret Instructions for the Host, containing all game play instructions, character profiles & a playlist for use during a special music round

- A Powerpoint/Keynote presentation to display throughout your Murder Mystery evening

- Scorecards to be sent to all players

- Over-18s and family-friendly versions available




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"What a brilliant evening! We really enjoyed it - is there no end to your talents??"

"Thank you - that was so fab! I love that I was the murderer!" 

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